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Animal Care

Rotaract Club of M V Mandali’s Colleges of Commerce & Science has organized Animal Care on 21st December 2022. The spokesperson for the day was Ms. Madhavi Chaturvedi, a social worker for stray animals from the organization Stray Happy. The organization works to help the stray animals in any case be it an injury, health issue or finding shelter and forever homes. Our speaker spoke about the basic contribution each one of us can give and help the stray living in our area lead a stable life. She covered all topics from the basics of how you can feed and quench their thirst to what is to be done when one finds an injured stray. She shared the basic first aid one can perform and the emergency helpline numbers for different areas that can be contacted.
The students were also given a chance to share their experiences of their encounters with the strays around them. The students, having injured animals around them asked for help.