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ICT Enabled Tools

  /  ICT Enabled Tools

The incorporation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has undeniably ushered in new avenues for both learners and teachers, fostering enhanced interaction and learning methodologies. Recognizing the advantages of integrating ICT tools into the teaching process, our college faculty actively utilizes platforms such as Teach Us, Academin, and Google Forms. The array of ICT tools employed includes internet connectivity, projectors, laptops, computers, and smartphones.

Our college boasts a comprehensive, in-house-managed online teaching and evaluation platform. While students are adept at leveraging technology, the focal point of the learning process remains the teachers.

In initiating the learning journey, teachers propose research project titles and assignment topics aligned with the learners’ areas of interest. Subsequently, the evaluation process is conducted online by teachers, assessing the quality of work in the research projects. ICT has emerged as a highly successful means for learners to engage with teachers, facilitating timely clarification of doubts and queries.